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交響曲第一番 Outsider 第一楽章 いなか侍
素晴らしき旅Wonderful journey
プロローグ インストゥルメンタル いなか侍オペラ「TATSUO」より 第1幕 プロローグ 登場人物 - TATSUO: ホワイトライオンから侍へと姿を変える男- forestpark: 闇に包まれた王国- 落武者たち: forestparkに潜む、刀を持った戦士たち 舞台 深い森と険しい山々が連なるforestpark。闇に包まれた王国。 (TATSUOは、森の中を駆け抜ける。) TATSUO(力強く歌いながら)天つ国を目指して森を駆け抜けようホワイトライオンから侍へ姿を変えて… (forestparkは、闇の森と険しい山々に姿を変え、幾数多の落武者に化けて、TATSUOに襲いかかる。) 合唱(落武者たち)我々、落武者たちはforestparkの守護者!刀を振りかざし、TATSUOを阻む! (落武者たちは、刀を振りかざし、TATSUOに襲い掛かる。) TATSUO(冷静に歌いながら)我が剣天地といったいなり故に刀なし素手で、君たちを退ける! (TATSUOは、素手で落武者たちを退け、翻弄する。) 合唱(落武者たち)彼の力は…想像をはるかに超える! (TATSUOは、山の頂にたどり着く。) TATSUO(息を切らしながら)ついに…山の頂に…天の浮き雲が見える… (TATSUOは、天の浮き雲に飛び乗り、天高く舞い上がる。) TATSUO(高揚感に満ちて歌いながら)雲の上へ…異世界へ…冒険は、まだ始まったばかり! (TATSUOは、雲の上から、異世界へと吸い込まれていく。) 合唱(すべての人々)TATSUOの冒険…その行く末は…? (幕が閉じる。) オペラ化におけるポイント - 音楽: グリム童話風の壮大で神秘的な音楽を付け加えることで、物語の世界観をより一層深めます。- 歌: TATSUOの力強さや決意、落武者たちの脅威を表現する歌を通して、物語の緊張感を高めます。- 舞台装置: 闇の森、険しい山々、天の浮き雲など、物語の舞台を鮮やかに表現する舞台装置を使用します。- 衣装: TATSUOの変身や、落武者たちの威圧感を表現する個性的な衣装をデザインします。
オペラ「TATSUO」より 第1幕 第1場 登場人物 - TATSUO: ワルド国王に化けた不思議な男- 尼僧: 仏の尼僧- 酒場の客: 酒場で飲んでいる人々- キャバレーのダンサー: キャバレーで踊る女性- 森の動物たち: 森に住む動物たち 舞台 ワルド王国の酒場。薄暗く、煙草の煙が充満している。酒場の客が騒がしく飲んでいる。 (TATSUOは、ワルド国王に化け、女とギャンブル好きの老人の姿で、酒を煽り、煙草をくゆらせている。) TATSUO(酒を飲みながら)この世のすべてを忘れよう酒とギャンブルに溺れて…ワルド国王の仮面の下欲望に燃える自分を演じている (キャバレーのダンサーが、妖艶なダンスを披露する。TATSUOは、熱狂と焦燥を覚える。) TATSUO(興奮して)ああ、美しい…だが、それは偽りの感情ただ、欲望に溺れているだけ… (夜が深まり、TATSUOは、酒場から姿を消す。) 合唱(酒場の客)TATSUOは、どこへ消えたのか?謎めいた男…彼の本当の姿は? (森の中。TATSUOは、百獣の王、ホワイトライオンに変身する。) TATSUO(咆哮して)私は、ホワイトライオン!ワルド王国の守護者!森の闇を照らし、獣たちを従える! (森の動物たちが、TATSUOに畏敬の念を抱いて、頭を下げる。) 合唱(森の動物たち)百獣の王、ホワイトライオン!あなたの力強さに、私たちは震える! (深夜。TATSUOは、再び姿を変え、蓮の花や沈丁花となる。) TATSUO(静かに)私は、蓮の花…私は、沈丁花…森の静寂の中に、美しい香りを漂わせ、森を守護する… (森の中に、一人の仏の尼僧が現れる。) 尼僧(静かに)TATSUO…あなたの正体に、私は気づいています… (尼僧は、ウサギや人魚の姿を自在に変え、TATSUOに近づきます。) TATSUO(驚きと魅了を感じて)あなたは…一体…? 尼僧(微笑んで)私は、あなたを導く者… (二人は、共に、草花に化け、森を美しく彩ります。) 合唱(森の草花たち)TATSUOと尼僧…二人は、森を美しく彩る…彼らの姿は、まるで…神々の贈り物… (夜明け。二人は、太陽の燃える日輪となり、天つ国と中津国、そして四方の山々を照らします。) TATSUOと尼僧(輝きながら)私たちは、太陽!神々の世界を照らす、女神のように… (二人の輝きは、永遠に続く、壮大な物語の序章のように。) 合唱(すべての人々)TATSUO…尼僧…彼らの物語は、永遠に続く… オペラ化におけるポイント - 音楽: グリム童話の雰囲気に合う、壮大で美しい音楽を付け加えることで、物語の世界観をより一層深めます。- 歌: TATSUOと尼僧の歌を通して、彼らの心の葛藤や変化を表現します。- 舞台装置: 森や酒場、キャバレーなど、物語の舞台を鮮やかに表現する舞台装置を使用します。- 衣装: TATSUOの様々な変身や、尼僧の不思議な姿を見せるために、個性的な衣装をデザインします。第一曲燃える日輪古の天つ国照らしたまわりた誠のひかりよたたなづく山々に陰国陽炎のたつ日輪よ勾玉通し玉飾り麗し恩寵のみひかりよ誠の真心持ちて御世に尽くします古の中つ国照らしたまわりた誠のひかりよ海は清きてすみ渡り我が玉芯から沈めれば無明の闇がいま開けて晴天の空が晴れ渡る誠の道を謝らず御世に尽くします古の天つ国照らしたまわりた誠のひかりよ古の太陽が照らし始める我らの御霊を
深い森と険しい山々が連なる「forestpark」は、闇に包まれた王国だった。そこには、ホワイトライオンから侍へと姿を変えるTATSUOがいた。彼は、天つ国を目指し、森を駆け抜けていた。 夜空には、無数の星が輝き、その光は、森の奥深くまで届いていた。しかし、その光も、森の闇に飲み込まれてしまう。森は、TATSUOの行く手を阻むように、深い闇に包まれていた。 TATSUOは、森の中を進むにつれて、その静けさに気づく。鳥のさえずりも、虫の音も、何も聞こえない。ただ、風の音が、木々の間を吹き抜けていくだけだった。 森の静けさは、TATSUOの心を落ち着かせた。彼は、自分の呼吸の音だけが聞こえることに気づき、その音に耳を傾ける。 しかし、その静けさは、いつまでも続くわけではなかった。森は、TATSUOを翻弄しようと、大地の漆黒深い闇の森や、険しい山々に姿を変え、幾数多の落武者に化けて、TATSUOに襲いかかった。 落武者たちは、TATSUOに襲いかかるが、TATSUOは、その攻撃をことごとくかわす。彼は、ホワイトライオンの姿に変わり、落武者たちを相手に、激しく戦い続ける。 森は、TATSUOの戦いの場と化していた。落武者たちの攻撃は、容赦なくTATSUOに降り注ぐ。しかし、TATSUOは、その攻撃をものともせず、戦い続ける。 森の奥深くには、巨大な岩山がそびえ立っていた。その岩山は、まるで、TATSUOの行く手を阻むように、そびえ立っていた。 TATSUOは、岩山に向かって走り出す。彼は、岩山を登り、その頂上を目指していた。 岩山は、険しく、登りづらかった。しかし、TATSUOは、諦めずに、登り続ける。彼は、頂上にたどり着くまで、決して諦めない。 ついに、TATSUOは、岩山の頂上にたどり着いた。彼は、頂上から、森を見渡す。森は、彼の足元まで広がっていた。 TATSUOは、森を見つめながら、静かに息をつく。彼は、自分の戦いを振り返る。 彼は、森の闇に飲み込まれそうになった。しかし、彼は、諦めずに、戦い続けた。そして、彼は、森の闇を打ち破った。 TATSUOは、天つ国を目指し、森を駆け抜けていく。彼は、森の闇に飲み込まれることなく、天つ国にたどり着くまで、決して諦めない。
Prologue Instrumental From the Country Samurai Opera "TATSUO" Act 1 Prologue Characters - TATSUO: A man who transforms from a white lion into a samurai - forestpark: A kingdom shrouded in darkness - Fallen warriors: Sword-wielding warriors lurking in forestpark Setting forestpark, a chain of deep forests and rugged mountains. A kingdom shrouded in darkness. (TATSUO runs through the forest.) TATSUO (singing powerfully) Let's run through the forest towards the kingdom of heaven, transforming from a white lion into a samurai... (Forestpark transforms into a dark forest and rugged mountains, and disguises itself as countless fallen warriors, attacking TATSUO.) Chorus (Fallen warriors) We, the fallen warriors, are the guardians of forestpark! We brandish our swords and stop TATSUO! (The defeated warriors brandish their swords and attack TATSUO.) TATSUO (singing calmly) My sword is as powerful as heaven and earth, so I will defeat you bare-handed, without a sword! (TATSUO fends off the defeated warriors bare-handed, toying with them.) Chorus (Fallen warriors) His strength... is far beyond imagination! (TATSUO reaches the top of the mountain.) TATSUO (Out of breath) At last... at the top of the mountain... I can see the floating clouds in the sky... (TATSUO jumps onto the floating clouds and soars high into the sky.) TATSUO (Singing with elation) Above the clouds... to another world... his adventure has only just begun! (TATSUO is sucked from above the clouds into another world.) Chorus (All people) TATSUO's adventure... where will it lead...? (The curtain closes.) Key points in adapting the work into an opera - Music: By adding grand, mysterious music in the style of Grimm's fairy tales, the worldview of the story is deepened even further. - Songs: The tension of the story is heightened through songs that express TATSUO's strength and determination, and the threat of the defeated warriors. - Sets: Sets that vividly express the setting of the story, such as dark forests, rugged mountains, and floating clouds in the sky, will be used. - Costumes: Unique costumes will be designed to express TATSUO's transformation and the intimidating presence of the defeated warriors.
From the opera "TATSUO" Act 1 Scene 1 Characters - TATSUO: A mysterious man disguised as King Waldo - Nun: A Buddhist nun - Tavern patrons: People drinking in the tavern - Cabaret dancers: Women dancing in the cabaret - Forest animals: Animals that live in the forest Setting A tavern in the Kingdom of Waldo. It is dimly lit and filled with cigarette smoke. The bar patrons are drinking noisily. (TATSUO has disguised himself as King Waldo, and in the guise of an old man who likes women and gambling, he is sipping on his drink and smoking a cigarette.) TATSUO (drinking) I'll forget everything in this world, drowning in alcohol and gambling... Under the mask of King Waldo, I'm playing the role of a man burning with desire. (A cabaret dancer performs a seductive dance. TATSUO feels excited and anxious.) TATSUO (excited) Ah, so beautiful... but it's a false emotion, just drowning in desire... (As the night deepens, TATSUO disappears from the bar.) Chorus (Bar patrons) Where has TATSUO disappeared to? A mysterious man... what is his true form? (In the forest. TATSUO transforms into the king of beasts, the white lion.) TATSUO (roaring) I am the white lion! Protector of the Kingdom of Waldo! You illuminate the darkness of the forest and command the beasts! (The forest animals bow in awe to TATSUO.) Chorus (forest animals) The white lion, king of the beasts! We tremble at your strength! (Late at night. TATSUO changes form again, becoming a lotus flower and a daphne.) TATSUO (silently) I am a lotus flower... I am a daphne... In the silence of the forest, I spread my beautiful fragrance and protect the forest... (A Buddhist nun appears in the forest.) Nun (silently) TATSUO... I am aware of your true identity... (The nun freely changes her form into a rabbit or a mermaid and approaches TATSUO.) TATSUO (Astonished and fascinated) You are... Who are you...? NUNNY (smiling) I am your guide... (The two of them transform into flowers and beautifully decorate the forest.) CHORUS (Flowers in the forest) TATSUO and the nun... The two of them beautifully decorate the forest... Their appearance is like... a gift from the gods... (Dawn. The two of them become the blazing sun, illuminating Heaven, Nakatsu, and the mountains on all sides.) TATSUO and NUNNY (shining) We are the sun! Like goddesses, illuminating the world of the gods... (Their radiance is like the prologue to an epic story that will continue forever.) CHORUS (All people) TATSUO... Nun... Their story will continue forever... Key points in adapting the work into an opera - Music: By adding grand, beautiful music that matches the atmosphere of the Grimm fairy tale, the worldview of the story is deepened even further. - Song: Through the songs of TATSUO and the nun, the conflicts and changes in their hearts are expressed. - Stage set: We use stage sets that vividly express the setting of the story, such as forests, bars, and cabarets. - Costumes: We design unique costumes to show TATSUO's various transformations and the mysterious appearance of the nun. First song: The burning sun shines on the ancient land of heaven, the light of sincerity that has been shining around, the mountains that line the shadows, the sun with its heat haze, the magatama-shaped beads, the beautiful light of grace, I will serve the world with a sincere heart, the light of sincerity that has been shining around, the ancient land of heaven, the sea is clear and I live in it, if I sink it from the core of my jewel, the darkness of ignorance will now open up and the clear sky will clear up, I will serve the world without apologizing for the path of sincerity, the light of sincerity that has been shining around, the ancient land of heaven, the light of sincerity that has been shining around, the ancient sun begins to shine on our spirits
Opera novel TATSUO Episode 1
"Forestpark", with its deep forests and steep mountains, was a kingdom shrouded in darkness. There, TATSUO transformed from a white lion into a samurai. He ran through the forest, heading for Heaven's Country. Countless stars shone in the night sky, their light reaching deep into the forest. However, that light was also swallowed up by the darkness of the forest. The forest was enveloped in deep darkness, as if blocking TATSUO's path. As TATSUO walked through the forest, he noticed how silent it was. He could not hear anything, not even the chirping of birds or the buzzing of insects. There was only the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. The silence of the forest calmed TATSUO's mind. He realized that the only sound he could hear was the sound of his own breathing, and he listened to that sound. However, the silence did not last forever. In an attempt to toy with TATSUO, the forest transformed into a deep, pitch-black forest of the earth and steep mountains, and disguised itself as numerous defeated warriors to attack TATSUO. The defeated warriors attacked TATSUO, but TATSUO dodged each and every attack. He transformed into a white lion and continued to fight fiercely against the defeated warriors. The forest had become TATSUO's battlefield. The defeated warriors' attacks rained down mercilessly on TATSUO. However, TATSUO continued to fight, undeterred by their attacks. Deep in the forest stood a huge rocky mountain. The rocky mountain towered over him, as if to block TATSUO's path. TATSUO started running towards the rocky mountain. He climbed the rocky mountain, aiming to reach its top. The rocky mountain was steep and difficult to climb. But TATSUO does not give up and continues to climb. He will never give up until he reaches the top. Finally, TATSUO reaches the top of the rocky mountain. From the top, he looks out over the forest. The forest spreads out right up to his feet. Gazing into the forest, TATSUO takes a quiet breath. He thinks back on his fight. He was almost swallowed up by the darkness of the forest. But he did not give up and continued to fight. And he defeated the darkness of the forest. TATSUO runs through the forest, aiming for the Land of Heaven. He will never give up until he reaches the Land of Heaven without being swallowed up by the darkness of the forest.
オペラ「TATSUO」より 第1幕 第1場 登場人物 - TATSUO: ワルド国王に化けた不思議な男- 尼僧: 仏の尼僧- 酒場の客: 酒場で飲んでいる人々- キャバレーのダンサー: キャバレーで踊る女性- 森の動物たち: 森に住む動物たち 舞台 ワルド王国の酒場。薄暗く、煙草の煙が充満している。酒場の客が騒がしく飲んでいる。 (TATSUOは、ワルド国王に化け、女とギャンブル好きの老人の姿で、酒を煽り、煙草をくゆらせている。) TATSUO(酒を飲みながら)この世のすべてを忘れよう酒とギャンブルに溺れて…ワルド国王の仮面の下欲望に燃える自分を演じている (キャバレーのダンサーが、妖艶なダンスを披露する。TATSUOは、熱狂と焦燥を覚える。) TATSUO(興奮して)ああ、美しい…だが、それは偽りの感情ただ、欲望に溺れているだけ… (夜が深まり、TATSUOは、酒場から姿を消す。) 合唱(酒場の客)TATSUOは、どこへ消えたのか?謎めいた男…彼の本当の姿は? (森の中。TATSUOは、百獣の王、ホワイトライオンに変身する。) TATSUO(咆哮して)私は、ホワイトライオン!ワルド王国の守護者!森の闇を照らし、獣たちを従える! (森の動物たちが、TATSUOに畏敬の念を抱いて、頭を下げる。) 合唱(森の動物たち)百獣の王、ホワイトライオン!あなたの力強さに、私たちは震える! (深夜。TATSUOは、再び姿を変え、蓮の花や沈丁花となる。) TATSUO(静かに)私は、蓮の花…私は、沈丁花…森の静寂の中に、美しい香りを漂わせ、森を守護する… (森の中に、一人の仏の尼僧が現れる。) 尼僧(静かに)TATSUO…あなたの正体に、私は気づいています… (尼僧は、ウサギや人魚の姿を自在に変え、TATSUOに近づきます。) TATSUO(驚きと魅了を感じて)あなたは…一体…? 尼僧(微笑んで)私は、あなたを導く者… (二人は、共に、草花に化け、森を美しく彩ります。) 合唱(森の草花たち)TATSUOと尼僧…二人は、森を美しく彩る…彼らの姿は、まるで…神々の贈り物… (夜明け。二人は、太陽の燃える日輪となり、天つ国と中津国、そして四方の山々を照らします。) TATSUOと尼僧(輝きながら)私たちは、太陽!神々の世界を照らす、女神のように… (二人の輝きは、永遠に続く、壮大な物語の序章のように。) 合唱(すべての人々)TATSUO…尼僧…彼らの物語は、永遠に続く… オペラ化におけるポイント - 音楽: グリム童話の雰囲気に合う、壮大で美しい音楽を付け加えることで、物語の世界観をより一層深めます。- 歌: TATSUOと尼僧の歌を通して、彼らの心の葛藤や変化を表現します。- 舞台装置: 森や酒場、キャバレーなど、物語の舞台を鮮やかに表現する舞台装置を使用します。- 衣装: TATSUOの様々な変身や、尼僧の不思議な姿を見せるために、個性的な衣装をデザインします。第一曲燃える日輪古の天つ国照らしたまわりた誠のひかりよたたなづく山々に陰国陽炎のたつ日輪よ勾玉通し玉飾り麗し恩寵のみひかりよ誠の真心持ちて御世に尽くします古の中つ国照らしたまわりた誠のひかりよ海は清きてすみ渡り我が玉芯から沈めれば無明の闇がいま開けて晴天の空が晴れ渡る誠の道を謝らず御世に尽くします古の天つ国照らしたまわりた誠のひかりよ古の太陽が照らし始める我らの御霊を
深い森と険しい山々が連なる「forestpark」は、闇に包まれた王国だった。そこには、ホワイトライオンから侍へと姿を変えるTATSUOがいた。彼は、天つ国を目指し、森を駆け抜けていた。 夜空には、無数の星が輝き、その光は、森の奥深くまで届いていた。しかし、その光も、森の闇に飲み込まれてしまう。森は、TATSUOの行く手を阻むように、深い闇に包まれていた。 TATSUOは、森の中を進むにつれて、その静けさに気づく。鳥のさえずりも、虫の音も、何も聞こえない。ただ、風の音が、木々の間を吹き抜けていくだけだった。 森の静けさは、TATSUOの心を落ち着かせた。彼は、自分の呼吸の音だけが聞こえることに気づき、その音に耳を傾ける。 しかし、その静けさは、いつまでも続くわけではなかった。森は、TATSUOを翻弄しようと、大地の漆黒深い闇の森や、険しい山々に姿を変え、幾数多の落武者に化けて、TATSUOに襲いかかった。 落武者たちは、TATSUOに襲いかかるが、TATSUOは、その攻撃をことごとくかわす。彼は、ホワイトライオンの姿に変わり、落武者たちを相手に、激しく戦い続ける。 森は、TATSUOの戦いの場と化していた。落武者たちの攻撃は、容赦なくTATSUOに降り注ぐ。しかし、TATSUOは、その攻撃をものともせず、戦い続ける。 森の奥深くには、巨大な岩山がそびえ立っていた。その岩山は、まるで、TATSUOの行く手を阻むように、そびえ立っていた。 TATSUOは、岩山に向かって走り出す。彼は、岩山を登り、その頂上を目指していた。 岩山は、険しく、登りづらかった。しかし、TATSUOは、諦めずに、登り続ける。彼は、頂上にたどり着くまで、決して諦めない。 ついに、TATSUOは、岩山の頂上にたどり着いた。彼は、頂上から、森を見渡す。森は、彼の足元まで広がっていた。 TATSUOは、森を見つめながら、静かに息をつく。彼は、自分の戦いを振り返る。 彼は、森の闇に飲み込まれそうになった。しかし、彼は、諦めずに、戦い続けた。そして、彼は、森の闇を打ち破った。 TATSUOは、天つ国を目指し、森を駆け抜けていく。彼は、森の闇に飲み込まれることなく、天つ国にたどり着くまで、決して諦めない。
Prologue Instrumental From the Country Samurai Opera "TATSUO" Act 1 Prologue Characters - TATSUO: A man who transforms from a white lion into a samurai - forestpark: A kingdom shrouded in darkness - Fallen warriors: Sword-wielding warriors lurking in forestpark Setting forestpark, a chain of deep forests and rugged mountains. A kingdom shrouded in darkness. (TATSUO runs through the forest.) TATSUO (singing powerfully) Let's run through the forest towards the kingdom of heaven, transforming from a white lion into a samurai... (Forestpark transforms into a dark forest and rugged mountains, and disguises itself as countless fallen warriors, attacking TATSUO.) Chorus (Fallen warriors) We, the fallen warriors, are the guardians of forestpark! We brandish our swords and stop TATSUO! (The defeated warriors brandish their swords and attack TATSUO.) TATSUO (singing calmly) My sword is as powerful as heaven and earth, so I will defeat you bare-handed, without a sword! (TATSUO fends off the defeated warriors bare-handed, toying with them.) Chorus (Fallen warriors) His strength... is far beyond imagination! (TATSUO reaches the top of the mountain.) TATSUO (Out of breath) At last... at the top of the mountain... I can see the floating clouds in the sky... (TATSUO jumps onto the floating clouds and soars high into the sky.) TATSUO (Singing with elation) Above the clouds... to another world... his adventure has only just begun! (TATSUO is sucked from above the clouds into another world.) Chorus (All people) TATSUO's adventure... where will it lead...? (The curtain closes.) Key points in adapting the work into an opera - Music: By adding grand, mysterious music in the style of Grimm's fairy tales, the worldview of the story is deepened even further. - Songs: The tension of the story is heightened through songs that express TATSUO's strength and determination, and the threat of the defeated warriors. - Sets: Sets that vividly express the setting of the story, such as dark forests, rugged mountains, and floating clouds in the sky, will be used. - Costumes: Unique costumes will be designed to express TATSUO's transformation and the intimidating presence of the defeated warriors.
From the opera "TATSUO" Act 1 Scene 1 Characters - TATSUO: A mysterious man disguised as King Waldo - Nun: A Buddhist nun - Tavern patrons: People drinking in the tavern - Cabaret dancers: Women dancing in the cabaret - Forest animals: Animals that live in the forest Setting A tavern in the Kingdom of Waldo. It is dimly lit and filled with cigarette smoke. The bar patrons are drinking noisily. (TATSUO has disguised himself as King Waldo, and in the guise of an old man who likes women and gambling, he is sipping on his drink and smoking a cigarette.) TATSUO (drinking) I'll forget everything in this world, drowning in alcohol and gambling... Under the mask of King Waldo, I'm playing the role of a man burning with desire. (A cabaret dancer performs a seductive dance. TATSUO feels excited and anxious.) TATSUO (excited) Ah, so beautiful... but it's a false emotion, just drowning in desire... (As the night deepens, TATSUO disappears from the bar.) Chorus (Bar patrons) Where has TATSUO disappeared to? A mysterious man... what is his true form? (In the forest. TATSUO transforms into the king of beasts, the white lion.) TATSUO (roaring) I am the white lion! Protector of the Kingdom of Waldo! You illuminate the darkness of the forest and command the beasts! (The forest animals bow in awe to TATSUO.) Chorus (forest animals) The white lion, king of the beasts! We tremble at your strength! (Late at night. TATSUO changes form again, becoming a lotus flower and a daphne.) TATSUO (silently) I am a lotus flower... I am a daphne... In the silence of the forest, I spread my beautiful fragrance and protect the forest... (A Buddhist nun appears in the forest.) Nun (silently) TATSUO... I am aware of your true identity... (The nun freely changes her form into a rabbit or a mermaid and approaches TATSUO.) TATSUO (Astonished and fascinated) You are... Who are you...? NUNNY (smiling) I am your guide... (The two of them transform into flowers and beautifully decorate the forest.) CHORUS (Flowers in the forest) TATSUO and the nun... The two of them beautifully decorate the forest... Their appearance is like... a gift from the gods... (Dawn. The two of them become the blazing sun, illuminating Heaven, Nakatsu, and the mountains on all sides.) TATSUO and NUNNY (shining) We are the sun! Like goddesses, illuminating the world of the gods... (Their radiance is like the prologue to an epic story that will continue forever.) CHORUS (All people) TATSUO... Nun... Their story will continue forever... Key points in adapting the work into an opera - Music: By adding grand, beautiful music that matches the atmosphere of the Grimm fairy tale, the worldview of the story is deepened even further. - Song: Through the songs of TATSUO and the nun, the conflicts and changes in their hearts are expressed. - Stage set: We use stage sets that vividly express the setting of the story, such as forests, bars, and cabarets. - Costumes: We design unique costumes to show TATSUO's various transformations and the mysterious appearance of the nun. First song: The burning sun shines on the ancient land of heaven, the light of sincerity that has been shining around, the mountains that line the shadows, the sun with its heat haze, the magatama-shaped beads, the beautiful light of grace, I will serve the world with a sincere heart, the light of sincerity that has been shining around, the ancient land of heaven, the sea is clear and I live in it, if I sink it from the core of my jewel, the darkness of ignorance will now open up and the clear sky will clear up, I will serve the world without apologizing for the path of sincerity, the light of sincerity that has been shining around, the ancient land of heaven, the light of sincerity that has been shining around, the ancient sun begins to shine on our spirits
Opera novel TATSUO Episode 1
"Forestpark", with its deep forests and steep mountains, was a kingdom shrouded in darkness. There, TATSUO transformed from a white lion into a samurai. He ran through the forest, heading for Heaven's Country. Countless stars shone in the night sky, their light reaching deep into the forest. However, that light was also swallowed up by the darkness of the forest. The forest was enveloped in deep darkness, as if blocking TATSUO's path. As TATSUO walked through the forest, he noticed how silent it was. He could not hear anything, not even the chirping of birds or the buzzing of insects. There was only the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. The silence of the forest calmed TATSUO's mind. He realized that the only sound he could hear was the sound of his own breathing, and he listened to that sound. However, the silence did not last forever. In an attempt to toy with TATSUO, the forest transformed into a deep, pitch-black forest of the earth and steep mountains, and disguised itself as numerous defeated warriors to attack TATSUO. The defeated warriors attacked TATSUO, but TATSUO dodged each and every attack. He transformed into a white lion and continued to fight fiercely against the defeated warriors. The forest had become TATSUO's battlefield. The defeated warriors' attacks rained down mercilessly on TATSUO. However, TATSUO continued to fight, undeterred by their attacks. Deep in the forest stood a huge rocky mountain. The rocky mountain towered over him, as if to block TATSUO's path. TATSUO started running towards the rocky mountain. He climbed the rocky mountain, aiming to reach its top. The rocky mountain was steep and difficult to climb. But TATSUO does not give up and continues to climb. He will never give up until he reaches the top. Finally, TATSUO reaches the top of the rocky mountain. From the top, he looks out over the forest. The forest spreads out right up to his feet. Gazing into the forest, TATSUO takes a quiet breath. He thinks back on his fight. He was almost swallowed up by the darkness of the forest. But he did not give up and continued to fight. And he defeated the darkness of the forest. TATSUO runs through the forest, aiming for the Land of Heaven. He will never give up until he reaches the Land of Heaven without being swallowed up by the darkness of the forest.
私は心を捨てました 〜「お前なんかどうでもいい」と言ったあなた、どうして今更なのですか?〜
「お前なんかどうでもいい」 そうあなたが言ったから。


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